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Friday, May 27, 2011

WK4 Reading: Response to LeVonda Vickery

I loved the story of the teacher who shaved her head because of the student who underwent chemotherapy and the other students were making fun of her baldness.  What a great way to take charge of a situation instead of letting it get out of hand and head into that downward spiral Zander speaks of.  I have a dream to teach and believe that dream is well within my "arena of possibility."  Zander made a really good point about how a vision does not require one to win, but merely to play into the possibility.  His words on how a personal crisis can lead to the creation of a vision that turns a life of possibility sang out to me about the past year or so of my life and how I have taken the my job loss and divorce not as a sign of failure, but rather as a sign to have a new beginning full of possibilities and dreams.  This book has helped me to realize that all the negativity about not having a job and never even being called for a job interview to teach does not define who I am.  My thinking either positive or negative is what defines me and my actions allowing me to choose to explore my own world of possibilities in order to move forward in my life and ignite that spark in others around me.

Response to LeVonda Vickery

New beginnings present themselves in all forms. Sometimes I think we are so caught up in our emotions, it makes it hard to recognize our situation as a new beginning. I swear, that quote “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” is absolutely true. Although you may have perceived some situations in your life as negative, think about how differently they have allowed you to see life.  I think knowing you can survive through difficult times opens up a world of possibilities in itself.  Stay positive!

WK4 Reading: Response to Brett Wilson

Wk 4: Reading - The Art of Possibility

I must admit that the lighting of the spark was a step up to responsibility for me. Zander could not have painted a greater picture than when he shared some history from the Middle Ages. People, during this time, would often carry a metal box with a small flame so that if they needed a fire they wouldn’t have to go through the laborious process every time. The beauty of this is that individuals would willingly and easily share their spark with others so they could find their way. This selfless, passion-filled kind of living is alert to others and is willing to partner with them. Zander writes, “It is about playing together as partners in a field of light.” What a beautiful image!

Passion and possibility are contagious. It seems that the reverse is also true (negativity and apathy) and many times dominates our living. We must remember though that it is not about us, but about others and that we have a lot to offer others. We are gifted. We are talented. We have a spark to share. We must live to pursue passion and dismiss fear and encourage others to do the same. What a challenge for all of us!

Response to Brett Wilson

Brett, I agree that passion possibility are contagious. The hard part is trying to avoid the negative. Sometimes we have to dig deep to try to find the positive. The good news is that we have the power to put out in the world what we choose. Yes, this can be challenging at times, but I think that is our contribution

Wk4 Reading: Art of Possibility

          “Being the Board” is something I’ve learned this year with a full time job, Graduate school, three young children, and a husband. Making the choice to go back to school was difficult, but I committed myself and here I am. If I decided not to go through with this Graduate program, I am certain that I would have blamed my husband for not being able to help out, or the ages of my children and their needs.  I don’t think it was a conscious decision to “be the board,” I needed it to be that way and it has actually benefited my family and me.  Through this crazy year, I have learned to give everyone in my family an A for helping and understanding. They have all kept that grade up. My husband has especially earned the A. I feel like this year we have all become game pieces who worked strategically to get through homework, tests, games, holidays, and special occasions. Now, I can happily say that the end is almost here, my kids are happy and well, and I think food shopping is going to be my husband’s new permanent job. More importantly, my kids have seen the value my husband and I place on education rather than just hear about it. We were all students this year and we have all learned so much.
         My favorite part of Chapter 11 was reading the words of Marianne Williamson. After reading those words over and over, I typed and printed them. I will frame them and hang them in my children’s room. As I read her words, and thought about how I wanted to share them with my children, I also thought how I often want to pass along messages as great as this one. My new goal is to hear them and live them myself first, then pass them along.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wk 4 Publishing Leadership Project

After much thought and consideration I have decided to publish an article rather than do a presentation. I feel that I can show more detail and express my  AR process better in an article than in a presentation. I chose the journal, Educational Technology Research and Development.  This journal encourages articles that focus applying technology in instructional settings for K – 12. I think my article would be appropriate for their Development Section, which includes articles on implementing and evaluating instructional technologies. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WK 3 – Think Aloud ~ Publishing/Leadership Project

I think I am going to do a presentation. I would like to present to a smaller group. Perhaps the early elementary teachers in my school and our surrounding districts during a workshop. My concern is that this audience is not large enough or not what this project was intended for. My AR project involves the benefits of integrating technology in the classroom to improve literacy among young children. My presentation would have to involve exposing the audience to the enthusiasm of the students using the technology and the focus and attention they have while using doing so. I would also want to present it in a way that was not intimidating to the teachers. My goal is to motivate them to incorporate technology in their classrooms as well as provide them with simple and basic ways they can. I would also love to share the success I had with it. 

Wk3 Discussion Deeper

I’m a Kindergarten teacher and these are some videos I found to reinforce skills taught in the classroom.

Jolly Phonics is a short video, which presents poems and songs to help young children learn and remember vowels and their sounds.

I use Dr. Jean Feldman’s CD so my students are familiar with her voice and her songs. This video provides a visual for one of the songs about compound words.

This video, also by Dr. Jean Feldman is great to help students learn about our 5 senses:

This video is about coins. This is a concept that has to be reviewed over and over to kindergarteners. This song along with the cute characters is a great reinforcement.

This is another money video which has lots of rhymes and visuals to help students remember what coins look like and their value.

I’m a Kindergarten teacher and these are some videos I found to reinforce skills taught in the classroom.

Jolly Phonics is a short video, which presents poems and songs to help young children learn and remember vowels and their sounds.

I use Dr. Jean Feldman’s CD so my students are familiar with her voice and her songs. This video provides a visual for one of the songs about compound words.

This video, also by Dr. Jean Feldman is great to help students learn about our 5 senses:

This video is about coins. This is a concept that has to be reviewed over and over to kindergarteners. This song along with the cute characters is a great reinforcement.

This is another money video which has lots of rhymes and visuals to help students remember what coins look like and their value.

Wk3-2 DB Quickie

I think educators are so resistant to change when it comes to technology because they are overwhelmed with the ever-growing regular demands they already have each day. I think most teachers couldn’t imagine adding one more thing to their already full load. If technology integration was mandatory and followed with professional development in a gradual manner, I imagine that teachers would be more receptive. I know that when they see the benefits and the ease and enthusiasm students have toward technology, they will also be encouraged. Businesses require change and probably provide training. I don’t think there is much of a choice. I can’t imagine a business surviving without keeping up with the technology changes. Maybe schools should be treated the same. We are sending our students out into a technological world, no matter what path they choose.