Scholastics is a site provides so many resources for teachers as well as a platform to network and collaborate with other teachers around the country. I use this site to find creative lessons, printable, and mini books for my kindergarten class. One of my favorite tools on this site is the video. I use the videos on interviews with authors as a kick off to our author study. These videos provide a connection for the children with the author before they even begin reading their books. I also show some author videos before students write their own story, just for a little inspiration.
Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: Respect, Resources and Rants is a blog by a kindergarten teacher, Michaele Sommerville, for kindergarten teachers. This blog provides kindergarten teachers with information and ideas about classroom management, classroom layout, helpful ideas with delimas, as well as monthly theme and daily activity ideas. I found this site to be helpful even in the area of room setting up my classroom. Blog posts from other teachers is also a great aspect of this site. Other teachers bounce off posted ideas and expand on them. It is like a giant brainstorm of kindergarten teachers.
Edutopia is wonderful place for educators to read about and watch other teachers in action. This site provides blogs sharing new ideas and showing how they are implemented.
Aside for reading the most current happenings in education, the two places I visit most often are the project-based learning tab and the technology integration tab. These places provide me with ideas and possibilities for my classroom and for my Action Research project.
TED is one of my favorite sites. The name of this site is derived from people in the areas of technology, entertainment, and design, giving speeches at a TED conference. Its premise is to provide a platform of ideas worth spreading. TED is a site I learned about in the EMDT program. After watching the required videos on TED, I continued to search the site and watch other stimulating and informational videos on my own. The videos were thought provoking and provided different perspectives. This is a site that I will continue to visit as a source of inspiration. I also have provided the link to colleges.
I love this site and I think that every teacher should check it out.
Classroom 2.0 is a new site to me. I chose to subscribe to this site because it is a network of people that I would like to follow. My AR project is about incorporating technology to improve literacy and I found this site to have a wealth of ideas on how to do that. My goal is to explore and implement Web 2.0 and this site is going to help get me there.